Best Small Pond Filter and Pump 2024 (Reviews & Costs)

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Best All In One Pump and Filter Kits

1) TotalPond Complete Filter Kit

TotalPond Complete Filter Kit with 300 GPH Pump
  • The Complete Filter Kit with Pump is ideal for protecting the pump from debris, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, and circulating...
  • The all-in-one kit includes an energy-efficient 330 GPH pump, a filter box with a sloped lid, a coarse filter, a fine filter, bio-balls, a...
  • The 330 GPH pump helps circulate water in ponds up to 500 gallons.

Our first small pond pump and filter combo is TotalPond’s complete filter kit. This compact pond kit contains a 300 GPH pump rated at 23w, and a sturdy filter box which contains 2 layers of sponge media and a set of bio-balls. Also included in the package is a fountain head with 3 different head attachments for different displays, as well as the required 1/2 inch ID hosing to get started.

Designed for small ponds, TotalPond’s complete kit would be a perfect fit for ponds up to 500 gallons without fish, or ponds up to 300 gallons with goldfish. The pump is strong enough to provide effective flow for filtration to take place, as well as display a 4ft high fountain. The pump is submersible, along with the rest of the unit, so will need to sit on the floor of your pond to work.

The filtration is a standard 2-stage mechanical and biological process, with the box containing 2 types of sponge media and a set of bio-balls. The first sponge is course with larger holes which can trap larger debris, and the second sponge is finer to catch smaller debris. The bio-balls are optimized for beneficial bacteria colonization, and the kit provides a good amount to get your population started.

The media sits very neatly in the box, and overall, provides a very strong filtration system for such as small filter box. The only issue is the filter mesh and media will become clogged very fast in debris-heavy water, so we don’t recommend this kit for ponds which have a lot of muck and debris buildup. For possible solutions to this, check out our detailed guide on how to clean filter media here.

The fountain is optional, but is placed into the top of the filter box and then positioned above your surface water. So long as the filter isn’t clogged, you will be looking at approximately 4 foot of fountain height – which is very respectable! Sadly, the fountain attachments are a bit fragile and the fountain itself can topple if not positioned firmly. Make sure the box is placed on a very flat space and sturdy section of pond floor for best results.

This is a fairly basic small pump and filter kit, so no UV light is included. You would need to purchase a separate UV water clarifier if you have problems with algae, or consider a different kit which includes UV support. If you have a small pond which is shaded away from the sun, and don’t have issues with overgrowth of algae, the lack of UV shouldn’t be a problem!

Monthly running costs?

Assuming a charge of $0.10 per kWh (national average), the cost to run the pump per month would be $1.65 per month. This would be running the pump 24 hours a day, 30 days a month.

Great for very small ponds
Good filtration
Easy to setup and install
No UV light included
Fountain not sturdy
  • Pond size: 50-500 Gallons (300 max with fish)
  • Pump strength: 300 GPH (23w)
  • Type of filtration: 2x Sponge media & Bio-balls
  • UVC Strength: No UV
  • Fountain: 4ft height – 3 attachments.
  • Power cord: 16ft
  • Hose Size: Fits 1/2 inch  (ID) tubing
  • Warranty: Limited 1 Year

2) Laguna PowerClear Multi Filter

LAGUNA PowerClear Multi Filter 1000, PT1817
  • Laguna PowerClear Multi All in One Pump, Filter and UV unit for ponds up to 1000 U.S. ga
  • Powerful pump performance for maximum flow and versatility
  • Two fountain head options

For ponds that need a little more power and have trouble with green water! Lagunas PowerClear is a compact but surprisingly powerful offering, featuring a 580 GPH submersible pump and a 2-stage filtration system. The pump is self contained within the main box, alongside the filter media, and runs at a very low 18 watts. This would be a very good all-in-one solution for ponds up to 1000 gallons where monthly savings are important, as the pump is very energy efficient in comparison with its flow rating. The pump is also quiet in operation, which is a plus!

The unit provides a fountain attachment for a single fountain display, and the pump is capable of a 6 ft maximum fountain height. This is a really good lift height for such a small box, but the connections are a bit fiddly to install. You’ll need to take care when attaching the fountain head and hose, as it can easily crack under pressure.

The filter is housed alongside the pump, and provides both bio and mechanical filtration. 1x ridged sponge foam media is included and an optimized bio-brick wall for bacteria colonization. The sponge media is nice and thick, but we would have liked to see an extra, finer layer of sponge for maximum debris removal. The bio-brick, however, provides great bacteria housing, and works fantastic as a biological filter. The design is unique and highly optimized for harmful substance breakdown, so would work well in a fish stocked pond.

In terms of installation, everything is very straightforward. A single 32ft power cable is included, and this is the only cable that needs to be plugged into the mains. The box is weighted and balanced so will naturally sink and sit neatly on the bottom of your pond. The fountain attaches to the top of the box, with the head attachment needing to be placed above the water surface. If you don’t want to use the fountain option, you can simply remove it and the box will act as just a pump and filter combo. This will also allow you to place the box much deeper than you could with the fountain in place.

As a final benefit, Laguna’s PowerClear comes with a  powerful 13w UV light which will quickly remove all pond algae. This strength is more than enough for green water in a small-medium sized pond, and will also help reduce free-swimming harmful bacteria levels overtime. Learn more about good and bad organisms that are often found in ponds here.

Overall, a fantastic all-in-one pump, filter, fountain, and UV clarifier that would be perfect for ponds up to 1000 gallons, or ponds up to 600 gallons with fish.

Monthly running costs?

Assuming a charge of $0.10 per kWh (national average), the cost to run the pump per month would be $1.30 per month. This would be running the pump 24 hours a day, 30 days a month.

If you also run the 13w UV clarifier alongside the pump, you would be paying an additional $0.90 a month on top of the pumps running costs.

Energy efficient pump
Strong UV clairifer
Good fountain height
3 year warranty
Mechanical filtration could be better
  • Pond size: 400-1000 Gallons (600 max with fish)
  • Pump strength: 580 GPH (18w)
  • Type of filtration: 1x Sponge foam media & Bio-brick
  • UVC Strength: 13w
  • Fountain: 6ft height – 1 attachment.
  • Power cord: 32ft
  • Hose Size: Fits 1/2 inch  (ID) tubing
  • Warranty: Limited 3 Year

Do Small Ponds Need Filters?

If you have a heavily planted small pond without fish, your pond plants may be enough to provide your water with sufficient natural filtration. With that said, if you have goldfish or koi, even with plants, it’s recommended to invest in a filter and pump for a more stable and balanced environment.

Filters will provide your pond with more beneficial bacteria, which will help break down harmful substances and help with water clarity. If you have a pond below 1000 gallons, you really don’t need to pay huge amounts for a powerful filter and pump.

A smaller and more cost effective all-in-one solution should be more than enough for most small ponds to provide adequate filtration and water flow. These come with both a filter and a pump and are very easy to install and maintain. Newer models are tend to include a UV light for algae removal as a bonus!

Benefits of An All-in-one Pond Kit

small pond filter kit
Small ponds and ponds without fish tend to benefit the most from these smaller all-in-one filter kits.

One of the main benefits of purchasing an all-in-one kit is the savings! Generally, all-in-one solutions are much cheaper to buy when compared to purchasing each component separately. Also, since the pumps are usually a much lower wattage in comparison to dedicated pumps, you will be paying less to run the kit monthly.

It’s also just a more convenient option for small pond owners, as there is very little in the way of plumbing or installation. Everything is included in the box, and the unit can usually be installed and working within an hour.

If your pond is over 800 gallons (3000 litres) and you have fish, however, we recommend investing in a more powerful filter and pond pump. Kits are ideal for smaller ponds but may not be enough to effectively filter a larger pond which accumulates more waste build-up. If you have a larger pond with fish, check out our guides below on purchasing a great dedicated filter and pump:

Do I also need UV light?

Most small pond kits come with a submersible pump and small filter which provides mechanical and biological filtration, but you can also find some with have the added benefit of UV. If you suffer with green pond water caused by algae, choosing a kit which includes a UV clarifier light will help eliminate the algae. The light will destroy the algae as it passes through your pump and it will be collected within your filter and broken down by beneficial bacteria.

Filter and pump kits with added UV are usually a bit more expensive, but they’re worth the investment if you care about water clearness or suffer from algae overgrowth in warmer months.

Things to Consider When Purchasing

best small pond filter
How many fish you have should be a consideration when choosing a pump & filter kit.

1) Is the pump strong enough for your pond?

As a general guideline, ponds without fish should have a complete water turnover every 2 hours. A pond with fish would need a water turnover every 1 hour. So, if you had a 500 gallon goldfish pond, you would need to select a pump rated 500+ GPH to ensure your pond water is effectively filtered every hour. If you don’t have any fish in your pond, you can select a weaker pump and be safe. Most all-in-one kits have pumps which range from 300-1000 GPH, so be sure to select the correct pump for your pond size and amount of fish.

2) Is the filtration sufficient?

All pond kits will include filtration media that provides 2-stage filtration; biological and mechanical. If you have a larger pond, or a pond with fish, having more filtration media and a stronger pump is recommended. Usually sponge media is included as a common mechanical media, and bio-balls for housing bacteria. The more variety of media, the better, as this will allow the maximum amount of debris collection and beneficial bacteria colonization.

3) Do you want a fountain display?

If you want a fountain for your pond, which will also help with aeration (oxygenation), you’ll want to select a kit which includes a fountain attachment. Most all-in-one pond filter and pump kits provide this option, as well as allow you to run the pump and filter without the fountain if desired. If you want to fit your own fountain head, you’ll have to cross-check the fitting sizes to make sure it’s appropriate.

4) Do you have algae (green water) in your pond?

Depending on if you want to remove algae from your pond, you may want to consider purchasing a unit with an added UV clarifier light. Since these products are aimed at ponds below 1000 gallons, a UV light rated between 5-10w will be more than sufficient to provide fast and effective green water removal.

Chris G
About the author

Chris G

Pond consultant and long-time hobbyist who enjoys writing in his spare time and sharing knowledge with other passionate pond owners. Experienced with pond installation, fish stocking, water quality testing, algae control and the troubleshooting of day-to-day pond related problems.

Read more about Pond Informer.

5 thoughts on “Best Small Pond Filter and Pump 2024 (Reviews & Costs)”

  1. Hi Chris,

    I’m new to keeping Koi and have set up an 1800 Lt. raised pond.
    I intend to buy the Cup- 311, but this is not an aerator is it?
    So, I thought I would also buy the Oase AquaOxy 500.
    Am I doing the right thing?


    • Hi Nik,

      Big welcome to the hobby! Also, apologises for my slow reply.

      The CUP-311 may not have a dedicated air compressor (aerator), but it comes with a fountain attachment which will provide lots of aeration via surface disturbance. The more water movement you can provide at the surface of your pond, the more oxygen will be dissolved naturally into the system – which is why fountains and waterfalls are great aerators!

      However, depending on your koi stocks, having a dedicated air pump providing additional aeration is never a bad thing. Dedicated compressors, like the AquaOxy, can be especially useful in months where oxygen levels can drop, such as in winter under the ice and in the heat of summer. It will also be essential if you don’t intend to run any fountains or water features, as you won’t have any other means of proper aeration.

      What you have seems good to go, but could I just ask how many koi you intend to stock in this pond? 1800L is actually fairly small by koi standards, so you will need to be extra careful with your stocking level, keep on top of water changes (10%~ weekly), and make sure to test water quality regularly for problems.

    • Hi Rahan,

      Yes, all-in-one pond filters are safe to use for small ponds. However, if you have a pond that’s over 800 gallons and/or you have fish, it’s recommended that you use a larger pump and filter separate from one another as opposed to being part of the same unit. Larger ponds, and particularly those with fish, are going to have more waste buildup, so a heftier filter will be needed.

  2. Hi, I have a small pond (<1000litres) but it has a 2 metre high waterfall that I want to power. It seems that the CUP105 is right for the pond but I'm worried that it won't power the water to the top of the waterfall and so I am probably better with the CUP311….can you advise?


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