Marsh marigold is a much-loved wetland and riparian plant native to much of Europe, including the UK, as well as northern Asia, much of the northern and coastal US, and Canada. Belonging to the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, marsh marigold is not, as its common name implies, actually a marigold. Instead, it shares many features with its buttercup relatives, including glossy, round or kidney-shaped leaves and very showy, five-merous yellow flowers approximately one to three inches in diameter.
Its Latin name translates approximately to “goblet of the marsh,” referencing the somewhat goblet-shaped flowers. Caltha comes from the Greek word kálathos, meaning “goblet,” while the specific epithet palustris means “of the marsh” in Latin, in reference to the marshy ecosystems in which this bushy flower is found.
Facts, Benefits & Uses of Marsh Marigold

The flowers for which marsh marigold is most well-known attract a variety of pollinators, such as the giant bee fly (Bombylius major), Halictid (sweat) bees, Syrphid flies (these are flies that often look like bees as a means to camouflage themselves from predators), honey bees, butterflies, moths, and the very occasional hummingbird.
The fibrous roots of marsh marigold, combined with hollow stems that allow for increased uptake of water and nutrients, make Caltha palustris incredibly useful in wetland restoration projects. Like many other wetland plants, marsh marigold is specially adapted to filter out pollutants and excess nutrients. This makes it valuable to garden pond systems as well, as they can help prevent the overgrowth of string algae and bacterial blooms caused by fish waste, food build up, fertilizer runoff, etc.
Marsh Marigold Growth, Hardiness & Climate

Marsh marigold grows fairly quickly and easily, maturing within only a few months of planting. However, if sowing from seeds, it usually takes two to three years for Caltha palustris to flower for the first time. It is a plant that grows in clumps, with these clumps sometimes joining together to form “colonies” spanning several feet in diameter. Mature plants range in size from 8 inches in height and spread up to 18 inches, though sometimes they may reach closer to two feet. In natural areas, about a foot in height is average.
Blooming usually occurs throughout the spring, from April through June. Hardiness zones 3 through 7 are best, though they can tolerate hotter climates so long as the soil is kept consistently moist. Cold climates aren’t a concern, as they’ll simply go dormant during winter and regrow the following spring. You can expect to have the most robust marsh marigold with lots of flowers in sunny conditions, though they do fine in partial shade as well.
How to Plant Marsh Marigold In Ponds

Marsh marigold grows best in muddy, rich humus soils in wetlands, damp lowland woods, and along the edges of streams, rivers, and ponds. It will do best planted marginally along the edge of your pond, either in consistently damp, mucky soil or in a small amount of standing water. If planting from seeds, these shouldn’t be dry as even the seeds of marsh marigold do not tolerate dry conditions. Stored, dried marsh marigold seeds have a low rate of successful propagation.
Your best bet at successful, fast-blooming plants is to obtain marsh marigold that’s been dividing from existing mature clumps, or from already well-growing plants at nurseries. Growing from seed is possible, but takes significantly more time, though the patient and steadfast gardener will be rewarded for their work. In early spring (March, if there is no danger of hard frost), plant marsh marigold in damp, rich soil, enough to cover the roots and hold it in place. If you wish to prevent spread, you can place them in pots or aquatic baskets, though colonies are not difficult to dig up if they spread beyond your liking.
How to Care For Marsh Marigold

Marsh marigold requires quite little care – simply make sure that they get at least 6 hours of sunlight per day, have access to plenty of water, and they should be happy! If you live in a particularly hot region, provide more shade and water to prevent them from going dormant during the height of summer. As C. palustris prefers rich soils like those found in wetlands, you may need to add humus and fertilizer to the soil in the spring if your soils are more porous and infertile.
Division to control clump size can be conducted on an as-needed basis, but is best done in late summer or autumn when the plant is heading into dormancy and less likely to be stressed. Do clean up any dropped foliage or flowers, as these do contain toxic alkaloids (discussed in more detail below).
How to Winter Marsh Marigold
A native of northern climes, marsh marigold doesn’t typically require any preparation for winter. It can exist even in standing water that freezes. These wetland plants will naturally die down to their roots once frost hits, storing nutrients in their dormant roots until the following spring.
It actually benefits from being covered by snow, as this helps insulate the plant from excessive cold. If you lack consistent snow cover, lightly pack some mulch atop the plant (ideally in the autumn once plants die down, but this can occur in winter if you anticipated snowfall but didn’t get much). Brush off snow/mulch in the spring to encourage growth.
Is Marsh Marigold Toxic, Poisonous or Invasive?
Marsh marigold is not invasive to the US or UK, nor is it known to overtake areas despite forming clumping colonies. The latter occurs over a period of several years, slow enough to easily mitigate if desired.
Toxicity is of concern with this plant, as it contains the toxic glycoside protoanemonin, a yellow oil found in the leaves. This toxicity has been found to effect humans, cattle, horses, and deer, so it can be reasonably assumed that fish would be impacted as well if they consumed the leaves. Protoanemonin is a substance created by members of the buttercup family as a means of protecting themselves from infections and pests, and as such marsh marigold is not prone to insect, fungal, or bacterial pests.
The oil similarly reacts to animal cells, breaking them down and causing skin sensitivity if touched and symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, sore throat, and convulsions if ingested raw. Smaller animals have an increased chance of death from eating raw marsh marigold leaves. Heat, however, completely denatures the glycoside, rendering cooked leaves safe to touch and eat.
Is Marsh Marigold Edible? Will Fish Eat it?
Marsh marigold is only edible if properly cooked. Otherwise, the leaves are quite toxic and should not be consumed by fish, people, or any other organism. Your fish are unlikely to show must interest in the plant, but regardless you should regularly clean out any dropped foliage from the water.
Where to Buy Marsh Marigold & Seeds? (UK & US)
A popular and easy to grow marginal plant, marsh marigold can be found at most plant nurseries, particularly those focused on native plants and wetlands, as well as online outlets.
I planted my Marsh Marigold in a pot on a shelf in my mould pond and this year year it has gone berserk. Started growing in the pots on the other two shelves and now trying to establish itself in the bog area!! It is looking lovely so have left it to do what it wants, not sure I should after reading about it. I planned on trimming it right back when it stops flowering. Should I do it sooner rather than later?
Get rid of it ASAP! Dig out a good foot around it, dispose of the soil (not in compost or it will spread) This stuff is I N V A S I V E! Once its spreads its almost impossible to get rid of. It will take over your garden beds and lawn, choking out anything else that you have. I learned the hard way, please don’t make the same mistake I did.
Hi Jessicajo,
We appreciate your input. However, whether Caltha palustris is invasive or not is entirely dependent on the exact location. In the midwest, for example, it’s very much a native plant and a boon to the ecosystems that it’s naturally found in. In ponds, it can certainly spread as there aren’t many biological controls to help prevent that which are present in natural areas. As you said, marsh marigold can be dug up and properly disposed of if it spreads too much. We always advise to use only plants native to your area and make sure to include information about each plant’s native range, so we certainly don’t want anyone to utilize marsh marigold if it is not native to their area.
Hi! Make sure you are actually growing Caltha Palustris and NOT Lesser Celandine (aka Fig Buttercup, Ranunculus ficaria). The native marsh marigold is a mounding flower and WILL NOT spread as quickly as you are describing. Verify that it is indeed the invasive look-alike to the native Marsh Marigold and then PLEASE rip it out and dispose of properly if it is! If it is spreading into your yard/etc it is most like the non-native plant. I know this from personal experience 🙁
Same experience here in Denmark – it will NOT spread as described Love the plant 🙂
I planted my Marsh Marigold in our nature pond two years back but I do not ever remember it doing well. It is planted in the basket about 1-2 inches under the water surface depending on how rainy or dry it is. This year it is having two very tiny leaves. I do not understand it. The water in the pond is clear without algae and booming with life (tadpoles, newts, etc). What could be the problem?
I am not an expert by any means, but ours are thriving planted around the water (not in it). Maybe they don’t like being under the level of the water?
Hi MK,
Marsh marigold, like most plants, can vary somewhat individually. I have seen marsh marigold growing in standing water, and I’ve seen marsh marigold simply growing near water (like yours!).
I have one in my house waiting for me to finish the pond . Its Flowering and its only February lol I love it. I have no lawn so if it wants to be invasive I say do your worst lol I tend to grow invasive plants as they are usually the prettiest and easier to care for x
I’ll give you invasive. Try European stinging nettle and mountain mint. Too bad for me, MM is a struggle to grow for me. So many attempts through the years, to no avail. Threw them in moist garden clay/humus soil…nothing. Tossed them into a pot full of muck this, still….nothing…completely deteriorated to nothing. The southeastern US just isn’t for this species, most likely this year.
Hi Drosera,
Sorry to hear about your struggles with Marsh Marigold. I agree that it’s probably just not suited for your climate. I have some Marsh Marigold and notice is thrives during very humid periods, but struggles with dry spells.