12 Best Pond Fish for Outdoor Ponds (Big & Small Fish)

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A large variety of fish can live in ponds
There are a variety of fish suitable for outdoor ponds, and they all come with different of colors, shapes, sizes, and requirements. Public domain.

Depending on where you live, there’s a pretty large variety of fish that can be kept in outdoor ponds. You’ll have to be aware, of course, of their hardiness and whether or not they will be able to overwinter based on the climate that you live in. This is one reason of many why it’s critical that you research fish species to ensure the health of both your fish and your pond. In addition, some fish may get along well with others, and other species may be confrontational or simply enjoy eating fish that are smaller than them.

Another thing to keep in mind is that all fish have different requirements, so you’ll need to be sure that first, the fish you want can actually survive in an outdoor pond, and second, will be able to handle whatever conditions you have (water temperature, pH levels, ambient air temperature, nutrient levels, etc.). Below you’ll find a broad list of fish for just about any outdoor pond.

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1) Common Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

Common goldfish do well in most outdoor ponds
Public domain.

Originally domesticated from the Asian carp in China over 1,000 years ago, goldfish vary somewhat in coloration and a fair amount in size depending on the species – some may only grow to a couple inches long by adulthood, while other species can grow up to a foot. This means you can easily choose whichever species best suits the size of your pond. They’re generally pretty amiable, getting along with just about anything in the pond, but that doesn’t mean everything will get along with them – the smaller varieties are prone to being eaten by some fish, such as golden orfes (if the goldfish are a couple inches or less in size). Goldfish do best in a temperature range of 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 22° C) and a pH range of 7.2 to 7.6.

2) Fancy Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

Fancy goldfish in a clean pond
Public domain.

While regular “feeder” goldfish (the variety covered above) tend to be energetic, fast, and enjoy swimming about, fancy goldfish are typically slow, and can’t really compete with other fish for food. For this reason, regular goldfish and fancy goldfish should not be kept together, nor should fancy goldfish be kept with really any fish variety that’s more rambunctious and eats the same food as fancy goldfish.

Fancies come in many varieties, and are often sought out for their varied, unique appearances that can really add a distinct, exotic flair to any pond. Most fancies do well with a temperature range of 68 to 74° F (20 to 23° C), though there are many different types that have slightly different requirements. Fantails (which have a forked caudal fin), for example, are healthiest in temps between 70 and 80° F (21 and 26° C), while lionheads are best adapted to temperatures as low as 65° F (18° C). In addition, they each have different temperaments, so further research will be needed before you choose a variety. Most can be kept in outdoor ponds so long as their temperature and pH requirements are met, but may need to be brought indoors for winter if ambient air and water temperatures drop too low.

3) Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

Several white, orange, and red koi carp in a pond
Public domain.

One of the most popular pond fish species, and understandably so, koi are typically a maximum of a foot to three feet in size depending on the exact variety and have a stunning amount diversity in their coloration and patterning. There are over 100 different recognized koi subspecies within 13 official classes, meaning there’s a koi out there for just about anyone. They’re fairly tolerant of temperature shifts so long as they don’t happen too quickly, as with any fish this can cause stress, shock, or even death. A water temperature between 59-77° F (15 to 25° C) – which makes them pretty well suited to life in outdoor ponds – and a pH range of 7.5 to 8 works best to keep them strong and healthy. You’ll need to have a larger pond, at least a meter deep, if you plan on having any of these fish in your pond.

4) Golden Orfe (Leuciscus idus)

Golden orfes are very hardy and do well in outdoor ponds
Public domain.

Orfes, also known as ides or golden orfes, typically grow around a foot to a foot and a half in length in ponds (they need to be at least 1,000 gallons and a meter or more in depth), though in larger ponds and lakes with plenty of food availability they can grow close to three feet. Golden orfes are extremely sensitive to water quality issues; in fact, many areas use the “golden orfe toxicity test” to determine water quality. If it’s not good enough for an orfe, the water is deemed unhealthy and in need of treatment. In terms of temperature, orfes are extremely hardy, making them ideal for outdoor ponds – they can tolerate water temperatures as low as freezing or as high as 90° F (32° C), but do best between 50 and 77° F (10 to 25° C), with a pH on the more alkaline side, between 7 and 8.

One of the most important things to keep in mind with orfes is that they’re exceptionally active. This makes them prone to oxygen deprivation, so you’ll need to make sure oxygen levels are high in your pond (a minimum of 7-8 ppm). It also means that they’re prone to jumping out of ponds, so having boundaries in place to prevent this is important – particularly since in many areas they’re considered an invasive species and should never be let out of captivity.

5) Pond Sturgeon (Acipenseridae)

Pond sturgeons should only be kept in large ponds or lakes
Public domain.

To being, pond sturgeons are large – even the smallest variety, the sterlet sturgeon, grows to a meter, while the largest, the beluga sturgeon, can grow up to 10 meters in length and several thousand pounds in weight. Do not keep a sturgeon if you don’t have a large pond or a lake. Sturgeons began to evolve about 250 million years ago, and as such are incredibly resilient (after all, they’re living dinosaurs!). While their temperature range depends on the exact species, generally so long as you keep the temperature above freezing and below 70° F (22° C), they should do fine (but of course do further research on the requirements of the particular sturgeon species you’d like!). They prefer darkness, as in the wild they tend to stay toward the bottom of water bodies, and as such they’ll need plenty of hiding places to protect themselves from the brightness and excess warmth of the sun. They also require a high quality sturgeon feed with upwards of 40% crude protein by weight for the best possible growth and health.

6) Plecostomus (Hypostomus plecostomus)

A peaceful plecostomus in a pond gets along with all other inhabitants
Public domain.

Plecos, which are exceptional algae-eaters that are easygoing and peaceful fish, getting along well with other fish species, are warm-water fish. As such, they need water temperatures that range from 72 to 86° F (22 to 30° C). Common plecos can be 1 to 2 feet long, while bristlenose plecos are only about 4 inches, so pond size requirements depends on the species that you choose. They do well in outdoor ponds, with one exception – they’re originally from South America, so if your water temperature drops below 50° F for more than a day or two, they’ll need to be brought indoors or they will likely die.

7) Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus oblongus)

Siamese algae eaters make energetic additions to ponds
Public domain.

Siamese algae eaters are, as their name implies, excellent at consuming algae (which makes them particularly desirable to many pond hobbyists). They’re also pretty lively, and as such shouldn’t be placed with more docile fish species (such as fancy goldfish), as they may stress them out with their spirited nature. They typically grow up to 6 inches in length, and do best in waters that are 70 to 79° F (21 to 26° C), needing to be brought indoors if temperatures drop much below this for extended periods of time, such as during winter.

8) Weather Loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)

A weather loach that can stay in outdoor ponds even during the winter
Public domain.

Weather loaches, also known as pond loaches, are quite tolerant of temperature shifts, able to withstand water temperatures anywhere from 40 to 77° F (4.5-25° C), meaning that they can generally stay in outdoor ponds even during the winter without any issues. You’ll want to get more than one of them, as they’re fairly social and enjoy staying in small groups with their own kind. In addition, they grow up to a foot and aren’t picky eaters, consuming algae, insects, vegetables, and food pellets without complaint.

9) Mollies and Guppies (Poecilia)

mollies and guppies do well in outdoor ponds but need to be brought indoors for winters
Public domain.

Though often kept in aquariums, mollies and guppies can both do well in outdoor ponds. Both species will likely need to be brought indoors for winter, as mollies need waters above 75°F and guppies need waters above 50° F. They’re both easy and straightforward to take care of, though they breed quickly – you’ll likely need to catch some of them every so often and sell them to a local pet store (never release them into the wild!). They could also be used as a food source if you have a separate pond for turtles and frogs and the like.

10) Red Shiners (Cyprinella lutrensis)

A red shiner from a natural pond
Photo by Marine discovery, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Red shiners are a North American small freshwater fish with silver bodies (sometimes vibrant blue) and red-orange fins. They’re pretty small (about 3 inches in length), and are a cold water fish, preferring temperatures between 59 and 77° F (15-25° C). However, since they are often found in mountainous regions, they are able to withstand extreme temperatures (as low as -21° C), though this is of course not at all advised and they will need to be brought indoors for the winter if waters drop below their approximate healthy minimum of 59° F.

They’re a generalist species, well-suited to living just about anywhere, from cold mountain rivers to southern hot springs. In addition, in many areas they are considered invasive, both in portions of the U.S. and the U.K., so never release them into the wild or use them as bait for fishing in natural areas. Because of their rapid reproduction, they quickly become a problem species in the wild and cause all sorts of ecological damage.

11) High-Fin Banded Shark (Myxocyprinus asiaticus)

High fin banded sharks tolerate warm and cool pond waters
Photo by OpenCage, CC BY-SA 2.5 license, via Wikimedia Commons

Also known as the batfish due to its dark, almost bat-like appearance, the Chinese high fin banded shark is a suckering algae eater. They’re very peaceful and easygoing, compatible with just about any other fish, including koi, goldfish, guppies, and plecos. They are happiest when living in small schools of 3 or more of their own, but will do alright on their own as well, and need cool waters (with plenty of hiding places) between 55-75° F (13-24° C). This means that they can stay in outdoor ponds even during the winter, so long as you keep your water heated above this minimum range. Their patterning is quite striking, and though they can grow up to 4 feet in length, it takes them quite a few years to reach this point since they primarily feed on algae.

12) Pumpkinseed Fish (Lepomis gibbosus)

A colorful pumpkinseed fish in a pond
Photo by Cephas, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Pumpkinseed fish, a type of sunfish, are remarkable looking fish with bright coloration and patterning that are native to portions of North America. It’s an invasive species throughout the majority of Europe, so never release it into the wild if you live there. Their size varies from 3 to 8 inches in length, and are very active, preferring to live in small schools so if you want one, you’ll need to get a few to ensure their happiness. They’re tolerant of a range of conditions (with the exception of overall water quality, as is the case with most pond fish), but ideal water temperature for them is between 69 and 75° F (21 to 24° C), with an alkaline pH between 7 and 7.5. They work well in both large and small ponds, and are capable of overwinter so long as you keep your pond heated.

Chris G
About the author

Chris G

Pond consultant and long-time hobbyist who enjoys writing in his spare time and sharing knowledge with other passionate pond owners. Experienced with pond installation, fish stocking, water quality testing, algae control and the troubleshooting of day-to-day pond related problems.

Read more about Pond Informer.

34 thoughts on “12 Best Pond Fish for Outdoor Ponds (Big & Small Fish)”

  1. I have an outdoor pond approximately approximately 40′ X 60′ – 10′ deed with a ph lower than 5.0. Can you recommend any fish for me? Also the large mouth bass & perch seemed to only feed off of the bottom & I have not been able to find any sinking fish food for several years. Any recommendations for fish food?

    • Hi Paul,

      Most standard, non-invasive pond fish are going to have a hard time with a pH that low. Some tetras and rams will be alright. But in general, a pH below 5.5 is considered stressful for most fish. Would you consider raising your pH up to 6 or 7? That would greatly increase the types of fish that you’d be able to have without stressing them.

      As for the sinking fish food, I’ll get back to you on that!

  2. Hi, Can you tell me which fish is suitable for small pond. I have a lot of frog eggs in the water, so I want some fish that can eat them.

  3. Hi there,
    I have a small pond I built 20+ years ago. I always buy feeder fish for it because when they reach a certain size the critters get them! 🙁
    I can’t seem to keep it from going GREEN with algae though. I live in California (bay area). What fish would you recommend to clean it up?
    Also, how do I determine the gallons?

    • Hi Virginia,

      You can get an approximate gallon value by multiplying the length of the pond by the width by the average depth, and multiply all of that by 7.5. For example, a pond that is 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and on average 2 feet deep would be approximately 480 gallons (8x4x2x7.5).

      As for the algae, common plecos (these are tropical fish, so they’ll do well in your area), siamese algae eaters, otocinclus catfish (susceptible to being eaten by larger fish), and Chinese high-fin banded sharks all quite readily eat algae. They’re also all best suited to warmer waters, so should do well in your region. All four of these fish are most often bottom-dwellers, so they’ll be less likely to get eaten by whatever keeps eating your other fish (I’m sorry to hear about that, by the way!).

      If you’d like more information on pond fish that eat algae, feel free to read through our guide: https://pondinformer.com/pond-fish-that-eat-algae-guide/

      • I live in San Diego and the water gets COLD here so I’m sure it does in the Bay area. I think all those species would require a winter heater wouldn’t they?

    • Hi Jeferson,

      Whether or not paradise fish need an aerator of some sort is somewhat contested amongst ponders and aquarists. Overall, though, I would add an aerator just in case there’s unforeseen oxygen demand due to hypoxic conditions, such as algae overgrowth. Make sure it’s not overly powerful, as too much water movement can be stressful to air-breathing fish like paradise fish. If you don’t add an aerator, definitely incorporate a variety of submerged and marginal plants (if you don’t already have them) to help keep water clean and healthy for the fish.

  4. Hi
    I had a pond in the property we moved in 6 months back. It’s 120 cm X 70cm X 28 cm. This April found a gold fish…want to give it some company. Please recommend

  5. I installed a small pond outside recently. It is 36 inches wide and 10 inches deep. What kinds of fish I can buy for any weather that can coexist and how many is right for that size pond?

    • Hi Ronald,

      For that small of a pond, we generally don’t recommend having fish as it doesn’t provide much room for swimming around or proper habitat, and also makes it quite easy for any fish waste or uneaten food to quickly unbalance the water quality. However, you may be able to add in a couple of small goldfish like mollies or shubunkins, or minnows or mosquitofish. Overall, though, any pond that holds less than 50 gallons of water shouldn’t have fish.

      If you’d like some further information, we actually have an article on fish that are better suited for small pond environments: https://pondinformer.com/best-small-pond-fish/

  6. About a year and half ago, we purchased a home thst came with a koi pond and 2 beautiful koi approximately 1 feet long each. We live in Prescott Az with wide range of temperatures.
    They were doing well- even survived the winter here Then one morning In August we saw one fish had died and hours later the second one died. The night before there was a big rainstorm. Could the Ph have changed drastically? We have also been experiencing high temps in the 90s – could the water have gotten too warm ? Algae does build up but my husband had recently cleaned it snd the filter.
    They were beautiful and would get excited when they sensed we were by the pond.
    We want to replace them but not sure what steps to take .
    Are koi a good fish for varying temps? How do you know size If any fish to get based on cubic area of pond ? Ours is approximately 6 ft x 3.5ft x 3.5 ft deep . I was kind of worrying if this was big enough for the koi we had.

    • Hi Patti,

      That’s very unfortunate – I’m so sorry that the koi passed away! The most likely cause is the rainstorm, especially if it was a large one like you mentioned. Heavy rainfall does a few things to ponds: it changes the water chemistry because of any nutrients contained within the rain itself that gets deposited into the pond, it can cause turnover which in turn can cause oxygen depletion, and it causes runoff from surrounding areas into the pond. So anything nearby, things as simple as dirt or as complicated as fertilizer from a neighbor’s lawn or spilled oil from a driveway, can then get washed into the pond depending on ground’s slope.

      There are a few ways you can mitigate this in the future, though! It sounds like you have a filter already, but if you don’t have one I highly recommend getting an aerator to help constantly circulate oxygen. You can also add in a variety of plants along the pond’s bottom, surface, and edge to help oxygenate the water and filter out excess nutrients and pollutants. You can also install an overflow system to help take care of any extra water during heavy rainfall. Fencing is another option as well, as this can help block debris like sticks, leaves, etc. from washing into your pond.

      We actually wrote an article on pond fish dying due to rainfall, if you’re interested: https://pondinformer.com/pond-fish-dying-after-rain/

      In terms of the koi, they do well in a pretty wide temperature range. Usually between 59 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit is best, but they can tolerate colder temperatures or slightly higher so long as the water doesn’t freeze and they have enough dissolved oxygen (minimum of 7 parts per million, though 8 or above is best – this goes for most any fish, not just koi). The warmer the water, the less dissolved oxygen it’s able to hold – trying to keep your pond below 80 degrees, at the most, should be alright for koi but of course staying within their ideal range is best. As for the pond’s size, the general rule of thumb is one inch of fish per gallon of water. This works for smaller fish, but for fish that grow larger like koi, the rule expands to one inch of fish per two gallons of water – I prefer to size that up to allow the fish plenty of room to roam and be comfortable, so around 100 gallons per koi is good. Based on your pond’s measurements, depending on whether your pond is square or round your pond should be around 550 gallons or 433 gallons, respectively.

  7. Hello,
    You seem to respond to replies so I’m hoping you’ll help me out. I want to turn my old concrete fish pond in our front yard into a pond again. I would be putting tap water in it and some algae plants, etc. But due to the location there will be no bubbling oxygen system and temperatures vary, I live in Northern California. I was thinking gold fish would be able to stand the different seasons in the pond, but I just wanted to make sure the pond will be suitable for fish life. The pond size is about the size of half a bath tub but deeper. And also wondering what other fishes would stand the tap water well and are accessible to get in Califorinia.

    • Hi Emily,

      Apologies for the delayed reply!

      About how many gallons is your pond? Mini ponds/container ponds can certainly accommodate fish but the minimum size should be 50 gallons or more if you want even small fish. If you’re interested, we have a guide that covers 6 different fish types that are suitable for small ponds. It covers the temperature and water quality needs for each one! You can read it here: https://pondinformer.com/best-small-pond-fish/

      In addition tap water should always be filtered and dechlorinated before fish are added – some fish, particularly ornamental varieties like goldfish, are sensitive to tap water as they aren’t as hardy as wild fish species.

  8. Hi, can you let us know what fish can live in pond aproxinaty 10′ deep, very large like 20 accrege , but frozen over the winter, also I see a beavaer house on top of the ice, this year.

  9. I inherited a garden pond with two very large koi and two goldfish. But there are at least two other fish that don’t show themselves. I know they are there because the snap the food of the surface and disappear. The only glimpse zi have had of them showed that they were darkish blue with light coloured tail and fins, quite feathery. I think they spend most ot the time on the bottom.They wiggle and move very quickly? Have you any suggestions please?

  10. Great website! We have a fairly large natural pond on our property (65k-70k gallons?) in NY, and I would love to put some fish in it. The pond gets natural runoff from the area (no agricultural), and there is an over flow that feeds off into a nearby lake in the wet season when the level gets high enough… However, it can get cold in the winter, and the surface did freeze over for a month or so this year. There’s also plenty of insect and algae available for food, and I’m fine with supplementing occasionally as needed.
    Any recommendations?

  11. Hi,

    I’m looking for some non expensive fish that are fairly good sized that I can put in my pond. The pond is very big and can accommodate any type of fish, or I can alter anything for the fish’s needs. Can you please help make a list of fish that I can get locally and are not super expensive?

  12. Hello Pond Informer, (great site!)
    I have a 20 x 1 meter pond (about 40 cm deep at present), running alongside my villa in Bali. Try as I might over the years, I’ve never had any success with fish (for which the pond was designed). I’m guessing that leaf litter from bamboo altered the pH and they perished (koi, mostly). The pond was aerated, but I’ve stopped that since abandoning the fish project, and just lightly chlorinate the water to keep the toads out (sorry, yuk!)

    Recently, here in Sri Lanka, I have seen a similar ‘domestic pond’ – ie one inside a courtyard style villa, only 12 cm or so, deep, with large catfish living very happily without aeration. The pond water is changed weekly.

    So I’m considering filling up my Bali pond to decrease its depth, and trying catfish.
    I’d really appreciate you, or other readers’ advice.
    Many thanks,

  13. What about the Rosy Red Minnows, scientific name Pimephales promelas. Is it on this list and I just missed it? They do well in my little ponds without any filter other than lots of plants. Pretty orange coloring too.

  14. Hi. I have a pond-tub. It’s a horse trough that I have 3 goldfish in. All 3 were purchased at Walmart for 25cts and were no more than an inch long. The one orange fish is getting to be too big for the trough. I’m having a hard time finding a new home for him. He’s a good fish. 🙂 Do you have any ideas. I don’t want to put him in a pond in the city or slough I live near. I contacted Koi places and they said put him on FB Marketplace. I just don’t want him eaten! He’s about 9″ long and round belly about 5″ round. Thank you.


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